Important considerations before switching to solar energy

Post by : Elliot Preece on 22.07.2019

Switching your home and business to solar is becoming popular. With over nine million home using solar, it is natural for more people and businesses to be interested in the switch. Thanks to new tech, the cost of installation goes down every year. Adding a solar system to your home is a massive step towards saving the environment and saving money. Before you make the switch, however, consider the following factors.

1.    Have you done everything to lower energy bills?

The amount of solar energy you need depends on how much power you consume currently. It makes sense to lower your cost before switching. Start with an energy audit and determine where power is being lost. Is heat escaping through the windows or you’re taking too many long births? One thing a lot of people don’t consider is switching power providers. Ry using a service like Simply Switch to find the lowest power provider in your area.

2.    Which type of solar makes the most sense for you?

The two types of solar you need to consider are photovoltaic and thermal solar. One the one hand, photovoltaic converts the sun’s rays into electricity while thermal uses sunlight to heat and air which you then use in the house.  The thermal solar system could break even sooner if you live in an area where electricity is expensive. It is also a better choice if you use energy heat more.

3.    Do you understand the solar estimate?

How much energy will you get? The answer depends on shading, azimuth, and pitch. Shading will vary with the season. In winter, the sun is usually lower than in summer. Any obstacle will cause more shade than summer. Shade also comes from trees, dormer roofs, adjacent roofs, and other obstacles.

Azimuth calculates the orientation of the panels towards the direction the sun is shining. It indicates how much the sun will shine on your panel each year. Pitch refers to how the panels are laid out. You can use an online calculator to calculate how much the solar system recommended will produce in a year.

4.    Will your roof support solar?

How much shade does your roof have during the day? A room with too much shade is not suitable for solar. If you live in a rented apartment or a multi-unit building, you may have to forego personal solar systems, but you can go with community solar. This system allows others to buy a stake in solar installation and receive credit on their electric bills. If your roof has no shading, consider whether it is healthy enough to support solar panels.

Strong structures are essential. If you need to renovate your roof a few years down the line, the cost will go up since you have to remove your panels and install them again. Solar installations have warranties running between twenty to twenty-five years. Have this in mind if you need to roof repairs.

Solar installation requires a trustworthy installation company. It combines home improvement and electric work making credentials and references vital. Solar is a large expense. Compare quotes and portfolios before making a decision.

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