How Easy Is It to Install Solar Panels?

Post by : Amy Sinden on 15.08.2023

In a world that’s slowly moving away from fossil fuels and non-renewable forms of energy, solar panels look to be a great investment. Not only will having your own solar panels mean you contribute to a greener and healthier environment, you’ll also be saving money on power costs over time. If you’re a homeowner, now is a great time to invest in solar power so you can lower your carbon footprint while also avoiding rising energy costs.

You can opt for a paid service to come and install your solar panels for you, but it’s also possible to do it yourself. If you’re handy with DIY work and aren’t worried about scaling the roof of your home, installing the panels yourself can be another good way to save costs, but how easy is it actually? In this article, you’ll find out.

The Tools You Need

Any DIY project needs to have the right tools to ensure it’s a success. In the case of installing solar panels, there are a few tools you most definitely need. First of all, you’re going to require a battery-operated drill that’s capable of drilling the holes in the roof slate to fit the stanchions that hold the panels. It needs to be battery-operated so you can carry it up the ladder and onto your roof without worrying about the cable.

You’ll also need the right type of screws for this project. You can find quality screws at RS in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on your needs. In this case, you’re going to need screws that are capable of supporting the load of the panels and holding them in place securely, even when exposed to the elements.

To ensure your panels are installed correctly, it’s also a good idea to bring some measuring tape, chalk line and squaring tool. These will help you to fit your panels properly and keep them aligned without any issues. Of course, you’ll also need a ladder and safety equipment to help minimise the risk of serious accidents.

Assessing Your Roof

Before you can begin the installation process, you need to assess whether your roof is actually suitable for solar panels. One of the first things you have to consider is whether your house is a listed building or the area has significant historical value, which may mean there are restrictions on the work you can do. In this case, it may be that you cannot add solar panels to your roof, although it may still be possible to use ground-placed panels.

Aside from the historical value of your building, you should always ensure you have the proper planning permission. Failing to get planning permission from the local authority could mean your installation has to be taken down.

It’s also important to consider the age and structural integrity of your roof before you install anything. Your solar panels should last around 25 years, so your roofing material should last this long too. Make sure you calculate the weight of the solar panels and compare it to how much weight your roof is capable of supporting before you do any work.

Hiring a Professional

Installing your own solar panels isn’t a simple DIY project by any means. You need to have a lot of experience in fitting and installing electrical equipment. Carrying out the work without any experience could be unsafe and may lead to an incorrect installation and even a serious accident.

While it’s possible to do the work yourself, it’s probably best to hire a professional in most cases. It will often work out cheaper in terms of the time and effort you save compared to doing it yourself.

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