How can you boost your homes energy efficiency this summer –

Post by : Emily Bennet on 25.06.2019

Energy efficiency is one of those phrases that you hear bandied about in the property industry all the time, but it is more than just a buzz word. Energy efficiency in your home is worth paying attention to, not just to make your home more saleable but also to make it more comfortable. By making your home more energy efficient you can save a bundle and live more comfortably. 

Insulation keeps your home comfortable

We all think about insulation as being necessary to keep the cold out and the heat in but in the summer, good insulation will keep the cool air in and the hot air out, making your home more energy efficient. If your house has cavity walls a layer of insulation can be blown into the cavity. If you have solid walls, don’t despair, you can either add internal or external insulation. 

Light up your home without breaking the bank

Lighting typically makes up about 15 percent of your household electricity bill so it is worth considering installing the most energy efficient lighting options. LED’s are currently the best light bulbs on the market. They are energy efficient, provide a good quality light, fit in almost any light fitting and are available in various degrees of brightness and colour temperatures. The bulbs, however, can be expensive so if you don’t want to splash out and replace all the bulbs in your house at once, consider starting with the most used lights in your home. 

Harness the power of the sun with solar panels

Installing solar panels on your roof can help you make the most of the summer sunshine and heat your water for a fraction of the cost of a conventional water heating system. Solar panels are most effective on a south-facing roof at a pitch of around 30 degrees.

Install good quality windows and doors

Windows, doors, and skylights provide light and ventilation but to keep the temperature in your home comfortable in both the summer and the winter, you need to make sure that your windows and doors seal properly. If you install new windows and external doors, they will need to comply with the Building Regulations in England and Wales or Building Standards in Scotland but sometimes just complying is not enough. To make your home more energy efficient, install the best doors and windows that you can afford. If you install A++ rated double glazing you can save around £85 a year on your energy bill. Not only this, but by aiming to boost your homes energy efficiency by installing quality windows and doors, can also help you achieve a quicker house sale when it comes to the time you decide to sell.

Install Energy-Efficient Smart Home Devices

Smarthome products, like programmable thermostats and motion or occupancy sensors, can make your home more energy efficient without you needing to lift a finger.

There are many ways to make your home more energy efficient and save money in the long run. 

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