Post by : Sam Allcock on 11.02.2021

Today, there’s a lot of excitement about bitcoin, mostly because bitcoin was on a bull market, and in November, the price was $17,000. Besides, the price is projected to reach $20,000 by the ending of the year. It’s entirely understandable, therefore, that more individuals would like to become bitcoin owners than it has ever been. In this post, we picked some great tips if you’re new to the field of digital currencies. So, let’s check them out.


You should have a bitcoin wallet to transfer, receive BTCs, transact on trading sites, and buy products and services from companies that support BTC transactions. So, to put it in simple terms, you need a bitcoin wallet to hold and secure your money and make payments. There are various types of wallets, including laptop, computer, hardware, and web wallets.

Normally, hardware wallets are deemed the best option, while smartphone wallets are a decent option for offline transactions. The wallet is also quite handy since you can register and exchange from your smartphone and laptop computers that are wired to the network.


There are several choices when it comes to online trading sites. But please do your homework and select a reputable trading location. A fantastic place is BITCOIN UP, where you can begin buying with as little deposit as you can. Another benefit is that the BITCOIN UP LOGIN process will take only 5 minutes of your time. All you’ll have to do is press the ‘live trading’ key, and you will theoretically gain up to 6-fold your original investment in about one exchange day.

This online trading platform is one of the best on the web and is widely used by beginner bitcoin traders and investors. Besides, this platform is perfect for you if you do not have any expertise in this area because it also provides comprehensive guidance to help you start trading.


Before you begin trading, take a little time to get acquainted with your financial position and expenditure. Depending on your financial condition, you have to set specific benefit goals that you intend to reach for a certain amount of time. Bear in mind that bitcoin is a risky asset and that the findings are influenced by changing economic factors.

But, make sure that you have a good picture, depending on your budget, of what you will gain and risk if you spend a specific sum of cash. Also, it’s helpful to understand the differences to learn more about bitcoin and the blockchain network. You should also take a look at the price chart of Bitcoin.


If you’re heading into the realm of cryptocurrency, you should be conscious of a common incident that impacts every user on the network. That’s a bitcoin halving. Bitcoin halving occurs after 210,000 BTCs are mined, or nearly every four years. It’s half the compensation that miners get; thus, in 2020, their incentive went from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. This implies that the production of BTC would be limited.

And as supply grows the cost of the BTC rises. If you look and compare the stock of Bitcoin from past Bitcoin halving, you may find that the value has risen since this case. There is now still huge value in bitcoin since its collapse in May, and as we realize, rates have risen and have continued to grow in the coming months. So, if you’re a novice, this is valuable information to keep in mind when making choices and setting targets.


Owing to bitcoin, several other coins operate now. So, you don’t just have to spend your money in BTC. You also can expand and broaden your investments by participating in other digital currencies. And although bitcoin is still the biggest and most popular cryptocurrencies, there are many others that you must test out, including Ether, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, Litecoin, to name a couple. It would help you mitigate the total exposure and eventually help you increase your returns.


Bitcoin is the highest market cap cryptocurrencies, and the population of citizens who own Bitcoin continues increasing every year. What’s more, there are more than 15,000 organisations globally that support BTC transactions. As we have discussed before, since the halving that did take place in May, the costs have risen dramatically, so now is the best time to read more about it and become an investor. But please make sure that you have the right plans to work with your scenario and help you handle the risks and achieve the desired result.

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